Before you suffer from sticker shock, let me provide you with this disclaimer. We do not charge anywhere near as much as these big offices. Many of the large consulting firms such as those with multiple offices and consultants can pay their consultants and executives anywhere from $60,000 to $140,000 per year with several of these salaries on their payroll. When they are paying out this much money, they will certainly charge you much more than you are prepared to pay. Here, you work directly with the Lead Consultant, and will not have those big fees and costs. In fact, some of the top firms could charge these amounts PER DAY:
Accenture $1,530
CapGemini $1,650
KPMG $3,270
PriceWaterhouseCoopers $4,085
Deloitte $4,725
Booz Allen & Hamilton $3,550
McKinsey $6,625
BCG $4,500
Bain $4,285
Booz & Co $3,515
From this, you can see that it is not cheap to have a top tier high cost company as your Management Consultant. We are more of a 'boutique consulting firm' so we charge considerably less. In fact, we are VERY affordable. Depending on who is working on your case at many large firms, billing can run from $200 per hour to $1,000 per hour. This amount is not much less at many smaller consulting firms. To find a LOCAL firm to work with you is advantageous because we keep close at hand and we do not have the high costs these other firms have.
CONTACT US about pricing and services for your business.
There are very few alternatives to consulting; however, if you read FAQ 02, you will find other services we provide under the umbrella of consulting. Leadership is important, but how can you lead if you don't have a map? Stephen Covey, author of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", said, "Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall." Let us show you which wall, and even which building, your ladder should be leaning against.
There are business owners that would rather try it themselves because they think they can save money by buying books and reading, and researching online, or may be too proud to hire someone, thinking it is admitting you have a problem. Admitting you have a problem is a good start. From there, you choose your path. You can buy books at $20-30 each and read about business, and in a few months have information to make decisions. If you calculate how long that would take and what your time is worth, just go with a consultant that can do it for you.
If it takes a day to read each of three books, and you figure your day worth $200 or more, with three books you are at nearly $700 to start. Then you spend time strategizing, confirming, and researching. Add a couple more days, and now you are well over $1,100. Then you take effective time away from your business or family and possibly loss because you are not there to pay attention and guide things. By the time you are done, is it worth the possible $3,000 or more it could actually cost you to do it yourself, without your assurance that the information is reliable, skilled, and planned? Having a consultant is the smart choice, and the fastest path to recovery and development. Don't you agree? CONTACT US to get started.
COSTS // 04
Management Consulting: The practice of helping organizations improve their performance, operates primarily through analysis of existing organizational problems and the development of plans for improvement.
WHAT WE DO // 07
First we sit down with you and complete some intake forms, establish your goals, and discuss your present situation (snapshot). You need to bring in some numbers, ownership information, and statistics on employees and facilities. At that point we determine what method will work for you.
Once your business has been reviewed, you take our input and decide which plan to go with. We then forge a path to make your outcome better. We can be there with you every step of the way.
While there are no guarantees in business, the process is three-fold. Assess your needs, plan your future, and deliver on our promises. What you do from there is up to you. You may wish to pay for an on-site manager to help you carry this through for a period of time to be sure you stay on course until it becomes proper habit for you and your staff. CONTACT US to get started.
Be sure to CHECK HERE for specific pricing:
Hourly: If you choose to hire my consultation services for one-on-one with or without additional consultants, regular consulting fee is billed per hour. If outside services are brought in for special purpose such as a CPA or Atttorney, you will be billed for their cost at another rate. You will be billed for the limited time their services would be required. We do the work and provide information they need to provide their opinion.
Per Diem: We can give you a daily rate. This will usually depend on the scope of the project, how many people are needed to complete the task, and what type of services are provided. Before quoting a per diem price, I will review your situation but it will not count against your per diem. Hours performed will not affect the per diem rate.
By Project: If you have a project you want taken care of on a completion baisis, we will give you a project price. For instance, if we anticipate 40 hours of work to complete the project, you will be charged a flat fee based on the prevailing hourly rate. This is less than some of the big firms charge for a single day. Since this is billed as a project, actual time will not be used for billing. If hours are exceeded by a certain percentage, under a hybrid contract, time will accrue at an hourly rate determined based on the project or per diem base rate. This can work out to get a lower price to begin but leaving options in case the project is extended.
Performance: You will be charged a project, per diem, or hourly rate, with an incentive bonus based on increased profit or savings as a bonus. This provides a compromise in pricing with assurance that we will be as effective as possible.
Retainer: We are available for continuing services on a retainer basis. Simply prepay a retainer and we will bill against your prepayment. This will help fit our services into your budget. We can do the process in piece work so we keep making progress to your goals.
There are several processes that can help your business and get you on the path to profit. Some of the functions we offer you in addition to one-on-one consultation are listed here and DETAILED HERE. Many of these are ideal for large companies that need to get several employees motivated and more functional. Click on the title for more information on each:
Sales Techniques and Persuasion
Manager & Staff Training Sessions
Social Media Overview & Promotion
Safety and Well Being Presentations
Building Programs with Organizations
Workshops & Interactive Skill Building
eBay Primer and Expert Online Selling
Mystery Shopping & Visit Assessments
Website Creation and Online Presence
Logo Creation, Graphics, Form Creation
Multimedia Presentation and Documents
Franchises, Start-ups & Turnkey Businesses
As you can see, we provide several important services for you. Training, coaching, and guiding your business and staff is our specialty. Click on those functions you are interested in to find out more.
If you are an organization or trade association head that wants to host a seminar or training session, or wish to see if Team Building Exercises will help you accomplish your goals, let's discuss the benefits for your association or the clients you serve. We can set up an event you can invite members or potential members to, and guide them through creating a bright future with motivation and management training. This will help build your credibility and reason for membership. CONTACT US to discuss these ideas and more.
We provide you with 9 FAQs about our consultation services. Management Consultation is all about reviewing your processes and giving you tips and suggestions to help your business. Team Building is how we get your employees to work together as a well oiled machine to focus on your needs and business goals. While there is never any guarantee in business, we can certainly facilitate your ability to achieve goals. Below are listings of some functions we do, and what the benefits are to you. If you have any other questions, CONTACT US to set up something that works for you.
WHO WE ARE // 01
We are a boutique management consulting firm with a solo practice. We are intense in our dedication to client success. This means we can dedicate full resources when needed for your business. We will not juggle clients to play the numbers game.
These services can be provided externally or internally. If you do not wish direct involvement in your business, this limits effectiveness, but you can certainly request an external audit of functions and go from there. If you wish to have internal processes, the consultant is embedded in your business to perform duties of management and gauge effectiveness and find glitches or problems. You can also have a covert assessment for consultation in which the consultant participates in your business as a customer and determines issues. This is much deeper than simply a mystery shopper. CONTACT US to get started!
Some of the functions performed are discussed below, click on each title you are interested in and let the service begin:
Goals and Objectives: Without goals and objectives your business could wander aimlessly with little chance for success and profitability.
Best Practices: Without assuring you are using best practices, you may be paying out much more money than you should and losing sales.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Weaknesses can lead to disrespect by employees and customers, lack of customer service, and loss of profit.
Operational Efficiency: Without efficiency your business can bleed money, losing valuable time, profits, and perhaps even causing you to lay off and shut down sections of your business.
Pricing Policies: Improper pricing policies can lead to loss of profit, turning away customers, and unwanted overstock in your store room.
Customer Strategy & Marketing: Not developing a strategy to capture your customers can result in dwindling sales and awful results in the off-seasons.
Position Descriptions: Lack of clear descriptions of employee functions can lead to confusion, customer loss, waste of resources, cost in labor hours, and failure to complete work.
Talent Assessment: Not having the right talent could kill a business, with poor customer service, damage, accidents, and lawsuits.
Case Interview: Not having the right talent could kill a business, with poor customer service, damage, accidents, and lawsuits.
Salaries, Benefits, and Regulations: You do not want the IRS, state, nor a law suit to come at you and say you have been practicing the wrong payroll technique for the last ten years and have to pay a stiff penalty or settlement that could turn into a "class action" case.
Delegation and Trust: If you dd not realize you hired a thief or criminal with a record, and you put them into a fiduciary role (handling your money), you could end up losing money to embezzlement, theft, or inside job on a robbery.
Organizational Psychology: Stress, depression, harassment, and anguish caused in the workplace can result in lost employees, insurance payouts, lawsuits, damages, and poor morale.
Procurement and Supply Chain: Paying too much for your products or supplies is just throwing your money away. Why bleed every time you order?
Business Transformation: Transofrmation of your business could be catastrophic if improperly implemented. Some businesses need an overhaul.
Technology and IT: Using the wrong platform or software can result in inefficiency and costly wasted time.
Contracts and the "Legal Zone": This area is a huge opportunity for loss of money, time, and worst of all, perhaps even your business.
Project Management: If you take on a project your regular staff is not prepared for, or may be too busy to implement properly, you may lose money, gain headaches, and risk the whole project going sour.
Business Coaching: A team cannot win without a good coach, and a business cannot afford to have leadership that is not focused and experienced.
Management Fads: With so much advice out there, you will also find bad advice, fads, stylish flare, and people that just don't know what they are doing, but will gladly tell you what to do.
Budgeting: Failure to budget properly can result in times being too lean to support your business, affect your credit line, and loss of key employees due to cut hours.
Perhaps you did not realize that Management Consulting was so encompassing and variable.To find more details about each of these functions, see our DETAILS page for more information and CONTACT US.
If you are here, there is obviously something wrong with your business, OR you want to find ways to improve a business that is already doing well but you want more out of it. Another reason could be that you have a project or new acquisition coming up and you want to have someone help you with this one time project or to get started with the acquisition until things are more settled. Even if your needs are not immediate, and you want to do some planning a consultant can help you review what would be most helpful to your business. We want to see you succeed. CONTACT US now.
To get started, go to our Pricing Page or Contact Page and we will get everything started. We will schedule a FREE consultation and move forward with the services that will benefit your company or organization. We can do this if you start now.
We will CERTIFY you or your designated agent as a "Workforce Programme Specialist" in this proprietary system. We will provide written and online resources to you or your specialist. We can also teach and administer the program at your workplace directly to your workforce and train them for you. Respect and information must flow both ways.

Productivity and satisfaction can increase. This certification program is valuable in increasing productivity, employee morale and retention, can improve customer service, conflict resolution, and more. REGISTER.