Goals and Objectives
Without goals and objectives your business could wander aimlessly with little chance for success and profitability. We determine if your goals are achievable and if you are on the right path to meet your goals and objectives. We assess current goals and set immediate goals to build up to your ultimate goals. You cannot expect to set a path to drive to San Francisco without checking the course and planning stops for gas, food, and turning onto the right freeways. We create steps and help you format them to make them achievable, then formulate new strategies to meet those quaintifiiable and achievable goals. We know how to set those goals with you and help you get started with baby steps then reach your stride. We set you up online with a site where we can keep tabs on your progress and call to correct or encourage your activity. Sometimes you need that extra nudge to keep on track.

Best Practices
Without using best practices, you may be paying out much more money than you should and losing sales. Each industry has a certain way to do it's work, it's own terminology, and methods to create profits. We determine what practices have worked for others in your industry and determine whether you are using best practices to compete in your industry. If not, we help you get on track to your goals. This can involve input from your employees and managers, review of standard practices for your industry, spying on the competition, and charting a path to get on track. This can increase productivity and efficiency, safety, customer satisfaction, and profits. It can also take away worry and headaches knowing that you are doing things right. It would be like going into a grocery store and seeing employees carrying stock to the shelves one box at a time instead of using the tools they are given, while they expect to make good profits. This is a critical tool toward success.

Strengths and Weaknesses
Weaknesses can lead to disrespect by employees and customers, lack of customer service, and loss of profit.This can put you in a bad position in your industry as you compete against stronger well managed companies that may have had the benefits of a consultant. We determine strengths and weaknesses so you can address them to make corrections. This may be in your practices, staff, tools and equipment, advertising, or management. We will dig into your reports and analyze where you can improve. This wil also come out as we check your business reports and analysis. Interviews, observation, and practice will show where weaknesses come up. Sometimes customer engagement can show you where your front end weaknesses are, whild employee retention and exit interviews can point out weaknesses on the back end. We need to find your strengths and accentuate them, help them grow. When you have great strength you should have great success.
We list so many services that it might be confusing. Let us break down services and actually explain what each service or classification entails. Of course, these will be customized for your individual needs, but this will give you an idea of the type of benefits you can receive.

Pricing Policies
Improper pricing policies can lead to loss of profit, turning away customers, and unwanted overstock in your store. We use KPI (Key Performance Indicators) to determine profitability on a cellular level to determine if you need to adjust pricing or cost. This will also assess the possibility of lost sales and loss due to seasonal and special purchases..We look at your sources and see if we can bring down cost of items or shipping, and check that your profit margin is adequate. As an example of pricing policies, in the food service industry it is essential to stay below 35% food cost in most restaurants, while some franchises and low cost restaurants must stay as low as 25% food cost. This may involve how much food is prepped, what happens with vegetables that could be used to make stock before they spoil, buying fresher foods giving you longer shelf life for use, changing sources, or adjusting quantities ordered based on anticipated volume from KPI analysis.
Customer Strategy and Marketing
Not developing a strategy to capture your customers can result in dwindling sales and awful results in the off-seasons. This can inculde assessment of customer loyalty programs, online presence and reputation, social media damage control, and opportunities for exposure. We review how you follow through with customers, how you market yourself, and how much time is spent in these processes (ROI). We have ways to increase efficiency and can carry out automated systems for you. We help you follow up with customers and put your finger on their pulse. We show you how to engage your customers with exit surveys, contact information, and demographics. We find out who your customer is, and how to attract more of them. Business success can be enhanced by providing outstanding customer service to garner rave reviews, return traffic, and word of mouth. Marketing strategies will be planned once these elements have been identified.
Position Descriptions
Lack of clear descriptions of employee functions can lead to confusion, customer loss, waste of resources, cost in labor hours, and failure to complete work. Do you have effective job descriptions for your staff to follow? Do they know who their supervisors and subordinates are? We review and develop job descriptions to communicate expectations and duties for staff. We review your policy manual for conflicting information and lack of clarity. If change must be implemented, we will help you map this out and implement those changes gradually to be assimilated by staff. This will cause little disruption and greater acceptance using our techniques and direct engagement for their understanding. There also needs to be a breakdown of what they must and must not do. The catch-all of "other duties as directed" is hated by employees as it provides no guidance or suggestion. Let's develop your descriptions and make them easy to follow to success.
Talent Assessment
Not having the right talent could kill a business, with poor customer service, damage, accidents, and lawsuits. Do you have the right people working for you? Are they familiar with poicies and procedures? Are they performing to the standards you expect? More importantly, are they acutally the right people for the tasks they are to perform? You do not want an employee that is poor at math calculating square area on a building project, and you do not want a janitor to perform brain surgery, no matter how talented and intelligent he or she seems. You may also be provided with employee performance review forms and procedures to use after we are gone. We review applications and resumes, verify information, and provide assessment tests custom designed to suit your business. They can illicit responses that will be used to determine whether that person is in the right position for their abilities. Once you have determined any weak employees, you can redirect them to a more appropriate function and rehire for the function they cannot properly perform.
Operational Efficiency
Without efficiency your business can bleed money, losing valuable time, profits, and perhaps even cause you to lay off and shut down sections of your business. We review processes and chain of command. Are your policies and duties holding employees back from providing the best service or function? Are your processes too simple or complicated? Have you considered contingencies? Can your team make decisions without waiting for authority?.These all point to efficiency of your organization or business. We recommend changes to increase effiiciencies and ultimately profits. In addition, mircomanaging can have a negative effect on efficiency. We will help you identify knowledge and practices of your employees, as well as instructions they follow in the performance of their duties. This corrective action can add to the operational efficiencies and profits of your business or organization. Cut out the stress of wondering what is going on.
Salaries, Benefits, and Regulations
You do not want the IRS, state, nor a law suit to come at you and say you have been practicing the wrong payroll technique for the last ten years and have to pay a stiff penalty or settlement that could turn into a "class action" case. Just recently, Wal-Mart was sued by former supervisors claiming that they were not properly credited for overtime or break times were interrupted. A consultant can review wages and pay policies to be sure you are not over-paying or under-paying your staff. We also determine if there are benefits you can provide as perks or to comply with regulations with little or no cost to you. We partner with a CPA and/or attorney to review our findings and further assess legality and compliance with regulations. We do not want you to have this liability hanging over your head like a time bomb waiting for the wrong person to complain. If they find a smart attorney, you could be paying out enough money to force you into bankruptcy.
Organizational Psychology
Stress, depression, harassment, and anguish caused in the workplace can result in lost employees, insurance payouts, lawsuits, damages, and poor morale. Job assessments can go further into the psyche of your staff. Tests and evaluation interviews go far in determining the thoughts and talents of staff. If you can determine how they view their job and what they really want to do, this will help in determining whether you want to retain, retrain, or hire new staff. This will also help you forsee issues that are brewing in the background. Many employees will "come out" to a consultant in a safe environment long before they will mention anything to an employer. Our job is to develop a map of issues that can be addressed one step at a time to show employees that you care, but not to make sweeping improvements that may further disrupt the psyche of your employees. Change can be good, change too fast can be bad.
Procurement and Supply Chain
Paying too much for products or supplies is just throwing your money away. Why bleed every time you order, when you could find better sources at better cost, and perhaps even better service? We look at sources, replenishment, and appropriateness of products and services. We do a market analysis to be sure your business addresses the needs of the marketplace or whether some changes will make your business more appropriate. We find all sources for your product needs, and assess which one provides the best return for your money. Efficiency in replenishment adds to your bottom line by keeping shelves stocked and customers happy. I had a source for my business that had a threshold where shipping would be by common carrier rather than UPS with a certain size order. I found that by just adding a few items to my order, I was able to benefit from the reduced "per item" ammortization of the common carrier cost, thus saving me money.
Business Transformation
Transofrmation of your business could be catastrophic if improperly implemented. Some businesses need such an overhaul that a full transformation may be necessary. If this is the case, we can help you build from a new plan. Changing from a franchise such as Wendy's, Comfort Inn, Circle K, are all transformations we have seen on the Central Coast. If caught with lingering elements of the franchise, you could be pursued in court for potential damages resulting from brand identity. Letting your employees continue to wear a smock with a logo on it, not removing a proprietary piece of equipment, and not changing your product style, may all be subtle opportunities for "cease and desist" or even result in a lawsuit. On the other hand, if your brand has failed customers, then you may wish to reinvent and come out like the phoenix from the ashes of a failed business to provide new management and success. Let us help you avoid the pitfalls and liabilities.

Delegation and Trust
If you dd not know you hired a thief or criminal with a record, and you put them into a fiduciary role (handling money), you could end up losing money to embezzlement, theft, or "inside job" robbery. This can happen with anyone, whether they have a record or not. Not only that, you need to be sure supervisors do not become power obsessed and alienate good employees or cause harrassment lawsuits as a manager. Are your employees trustworthy? Do they know what they should and should not do? How about when you are not there? You need to have a trustworthy manager or chain of command with key carriers and supervisors that will carry out your will. You need to know that you selected the right people, and that they can handle that responsibility and be trusted. If you are not delegating tasks and are a hands-on or micro manager, then you may be harming yourself. We help you assess what your issues may be and how to get more done.

Technology and IT
Using the wrong platform or software can result in inefficiency and costly wasted time. We determine if your business could be better served by technology, and what role Information Technology can play in your future, explaining all aspects. Not all hotels and motels realize there is online reservation software available to assure more sales and customer convenience. They may be missing sales opportunities, but we must also weigh the costs of that system with the potential sales it may result in. Similarly, there are other industry specific programs that may add to your efficiency and ability to track costs and profits, and be more effective. You should also be sure that your mainframe can handle the volume, or your website will not crash. We can bring in experts to deal with this area and assure that you are running the best software and systems for your business. We need to be sure it is doing the job for you and has the most efficiency for your business.
Contracts and the "Legal Zone"
This area is a huge opportunity for loss of money, time, and worst of all, perhaps your business. If you have never reviewed legal ramifications of your policies, practices, and contracts maintained with users and providers, a consultant can have these reviewed with one of our associate attornies. This may save you plenty in future legal costs due to unforseen obligations and liabilities. The Fair Labor Standards Act alone, dealing with exempt or non exempt employees can be a huge tax headache, and a legal cost nightmare. This is why we bring in an attorney to review these things and give you a clean bill of health, or identify potential land mines and trap doors. This can even be acquisition of property, leasing facilities or equipment, contracts to provide products or services, granting or buying into franchises, or even policies regarding your employees. We want you to have piece of mind that you are less likely to be drawn into the legal system.

Failure to budget properly can result in times being too lean to support your business, affect your credit line, and loss of key employees due to cut hours. If you have not analyzed "Same Day Sales" and other formulae for forcasting and budgeting, you may be caught with your pants down. Your consultant will plan and forecast with you and teach you how to do it. WIthout planning for lean times, you could force yourself into debt you may never catch up on with interest and penalties adding up. If you set aside during good times, you can make it through the tight times. Capital improvements should be done only during good times, and even then they should be planned carefully not to overextend your credit and savings. Improper budgeting can impact customer service and availability of merchandise or service due to short-sighted planning and failure to provide for spikes in business that could have been foreseen with proper review of business indicators.
Business Coaching
A team cannot win without a good coach, and a business cannot afford to have leadership that is not focused and experienced. This goes further than the other processes here. We work with you over an extended period of time to help you focus your own purpose and function. Each month we check in with you to see what progress has been made, but can be at your side as often as you need us to. With a simple retainer and service plan, we will touch base with you, physically walking into your business to sit down with you if needed. This may be very enlightening and help you develop better habits and experience. Having us on board will be like having a coach at your side all the time that you can call on and get revisions from, calling plays, critiquing technique, and helping you follow through. All the elements you see available here can be incorporated into your service plan.
Project Management
If you take on a project your regular staff is not prepared for, or may be too busy to implement properly, you may lose money, gain headaches, and risk the whole project going sour. You may need to bring us in to manage it for you to completion. Perhaps you just need a small project to get a shot in the arm. Maybe a major renovation is due. A consultant can oversee your projects either in-house or remotely, working with all parties involved to make it successful. We will know who to bring in to make it work, how to get through red tape, reduce delays, see it through in the best way we can. We can sort through deadlines, promises, expectations, and bring it down to common terms with quick answers to your questions, rather than trying to figure out for yourself where the project stands. Even a project as small as making sure all the pillows in your hotel are replaced or doors painted can benefit from oversight from us.
Management Fads
With so much advice out there, you will also find bad advice, fads, stylish flare, and people that just don't know what they are doing, but will gladly tell you what to do. We can determine if you have been victimized by popular trends or the terms of today's management experiments. Do you need these fad practices, or should you get back to tried and true polcies? You will be guided through the good and bad with our experience and background. We will show you what works, explain why it works, and convert it into what will work for you. You must get back to basics before you can add on style and flair. Do you want to put the cart before the horse just because one other business made it work, or do you want to do what is proven to be successful? This does not mean taking away individuality and improvement. It merely keeps you safe from errant advice. After all, unless you are making up an industry, there are standards that work. Let's build on what works, not fads.

Case Interview
If you did not use this technique in your hiring processes, you may be carrying liabilities ready to happen. Case interviews determine what staff would do in certain scenarios. The applicant is given a question, situation, or challenge and asked to resolve it. The interviewer will use cases the interviewer has worked on in real life or is familiar with and knows what the outcome should be. This is an effective way to see where customer service performance is and where processes can be improved. If they do not have the ability to process the information, they must demonstrate that they know how and where to get the information or ask for assistance. Not all staff needs to be able to handle all circumstances, but you want to make sure they will at least not do the wrong thing. This could add to customer frustration, damages, injury, or liabilities you do not need to incur. Let's prevent problems while assuring the positive aspects will be carried out.

Viral Video and Ad Campaigns
Viral Videos can make a business grow exponentially if you touch on the right topic and content. You have seen how people end up discovered and on national television just because they had a clever idea or character. Part of your ad campaigns should be very topical and address your market in a way that makes them want to watch. In other words, millenials will react to content different from what Boomers are interested in. You also need to share and embed the video in places this target demographic will notice. You must be aware of the music and icons of the generation and demographics you wish to attract. Keep in mind that it will be more difficult to attract older customers, since online video is not something they focus on, while anyone younger than 30 cannot resist the lure of a great video. I will show you how to create your own channel and maximize your video benefits.
Management Seminars
An important Management Consultation Service would be seminars and programs to teach your team how to manage themselves and their time. We teach your team how to work with each other and depend on proper leadership, and to question orders that are detrimental to the business. They will see the function of management, and how managers work for their benefit, as well. If your managers do not work to the benefit of their staff, then we need to retrain your management. Good management includes a touch of leadership. Lead from the front, and by example. This training can help all levels of your staff. By seeing what the focus of management is, they will respect your managers and perform as expected. In addition, your managers will understand their function better, learn what not to do, and how to treat their subordinates. Overall, your operation will be able to work more closely with the goals of your company.
Team Building Exercises
Team Building Exercises include ways to get your team to trust and depend on each other. Some examples may be zip lining, paint balling, hiking, camping, or other functions that teach them how to work with each other toward a common goal. You may see natural leadership qualities come out in some of the most unlikely people. This will also surprise some of your staff that they are able to step up to the task at hand. Once this is brought out, you should see an improvement in accountability and acceptance. The shy and meek tend to gain confidence and new abilities they take back to work with them. Once the functions are over, a few follow-up exercises are appropriate to help keep the energy up. You don't want them to lose that glow and revert back to their prior condition. Have the team recall the events through pictures, write-ups, and future meetings at lunch to talk about what they did and did not like.
Motivational Presentations
You have heard about the great motivational speakers of our time. We can either retain one of these speakers at their speaker's fee, or we can put together our presentation with our own speakers, or myself up there getting your team to move ahead and feel their worth. We use Motivational Presentations to get your employees to see their value in the function of your business and understand how their performance directly affects their job and future. We empower them to take their future into their hands and make a success for themselves by making success for you. They will realize that they all play an important part in your organization, whether they are adding to or retracting from success of your business. When we are done, I am sure they will finally see that they need to be all they can be and step forward in confidence and accomplishment. They will be taught how to make their worth known for advancement and respect.
Improvisational Performance
There cannot be a more fun way to inspire and motivate your team and get them to work together. Improvisation is all about getting your team to work together on short projects to show immediate results. It is very rewarding to have your small team accomoplish a goal and entertain others. They are given props and/or a scenario and asked to act out successfully. It shows them how to make something out of nothing, and use critical skills and thinking to persuade others to follow them and react to their cues. It is a very dynamic and interactive process in which even the audience gets involved. With just a small stage we transform the multiplicity into a singularity to show them how to depend on each other. The skills gained here are more exciting and useful than any other form of motivation. We can perform at your workplace or any venue you might choose, or we can arrange a venue for you.
The Philosophy of Business
The Philosophy of Business is a small training class or one-on-one project where we discuss business and different philosophies through the years. We talk about how business has progressed, and the concepts for each industry. We also see how philosophies from other industries cross over into your industry. In fact, management has no boundaries. A manager from industry can still be a manager in customer service. The difference is adapting and learning people skills and whatever functions are essential to that industry. For instance, in retail you may focus more on merchandise, while in an office environment you might focus on production deadlines, and in manufacturing providing consitent quality in items produced. As you can see, they have management principles in common. We will teach you how to recognize those skills and elements you should take from other businesses and apply to your own through example, role play, and scenarios.
Retreats and Remote Events
While this may be a more costly process, the use of retreats and remote events can also help build teams and provide a sense of worth for your employees. Getting away from the workplace and the area they frequent can have a cathartic effect and allow the thinking processes to work. Combining relaxation, fun, and training can make learing easier and more valuable. Getting away from distractions and life events allows them to focus on the information presented and want to get with the program. By choosing someplace away from nightlife and activity, you can control their time that would be best spent socializing with each other, or recapping the materials they were provided at that day's training. By giving them homework, you will get them to spend more quality time with the information presented. Providing hotel accommodations and meals is actually a small investment for the quality of staff that usually emerges from this type of format.
Manager and Staff Training Sessions
As I mentioned before, a team needs a coach to be successful. Similarly, a business needs a coach, just as you would hire at your gym. He or she will tell you to keep going, how to make yourself more healthy and fit, and how to use the tools, or equipment, at your disposal. They would help with your diet, life choices, and routines. We are very much the same. The difference is, our coaching can result in increased profits, productivity, and satisfaction in business. We are available just like that coach at the gym, on an hourly or retainer basis. By keeping us on retainer, you have more access to our service set to your schedule. We can come down to your business, or deal with you over the phone. Training sessions can be held in a room at your facility or other venue like back room of a restaurant. We can work out those details, while bringing great training and effectiveness right to you.
Sales Techniques and Persuasion
If you depend on sales, then Sales Techniques and Persuasion will be beneficial. The sales industry is unique in that it has three main arteries. There are direct sales, in-house sales, and phone or sales office. This includes lead generation, confirmation, and follow-up. We will help your staff find ways to upsell or add-on sales to increase revenue to build your business. Whatever they are doing, they can probably use a refresher and networking to spread the wealth. Accomplished sales people do not feel like they need more training because what they use is working. These sales staff will benefit from review of state regulation, standard practices, and illegal activities that can lead to law suits and fines for your business. You could be shut down, lose status with the Better Business Bureau, be sued into bankruptcy, or lose your franchise or right to sell the products you have been selling. Let's keep the negatives down and the positives selling.
Social Media Overview & Promotion
You probably already know the importance of Facebook and YouTube, but do you know how many social networks there are out there? Do you know which ones are effective? For instance, MySpace used to be a critical place for businesses to build their presence, but now none of them bother to promote there any more. You must keep up on what sites are popular and timely. So many sites have gone down in popularity so why waste your time on them? We use resources to automate your posting so you can be all over the internet. We also teach you the value of blogging, and how that can seriously enhance your rating with search engines. There are several techniques we have developed that will help you sit on top of the heap when it comes to being able to find you. Today people use their phones to find people online, not through 411. If you are not online and smart phone ready, you might as well just roll up the welcome mat and go home.
Safety and Well Being Presentations
While we are not certified for Safety Training and OSHA standards, we partner with Safety Experts and present information in a helpful manner. We can get your staff certified as needed including CPR and First Aid through our outside consultants and services. We also talk about specific issues in your business, such as the importance and use of MSDS sheets, reacting to emergencies, and emergency scenarios and preparedness. We also help create an action plan in the event of emergencies for immediate reference by your employees to minimize damage, loss, and injury. Do you have a flashlight, sales book, and battery operated calculator at each point of sale? Do employees know where supplies are in case of a structural breach? Do they know how to handle a lost child to prevent childnapping in your business? When were your extinguishers last checked, and how many extension cords do you use? These could becritical issues in your business.

Workshops & Interactive Skill Building
The teacher is in. These workshops are more like training classes. Do you need your staff certified in certain skills like Microsoft? Do they need to learn how to use computers? Do they need to learn English or Spanish to bridge a communication gap? What other topics will your staff need to get them through their jobs? We can provide any and all classes needed to get your staff up to speed on any topic or skill. Specialists can be brought in at our request to train and certify your staff, or just to hone their skills in some areas. If you think they could use a refresher on math skills, writing skills, or good old common sense, let us arrange the training and get them to function the way they should. If you have an organization that wishes to provide classes to benefit the area of our community you serve, let us be your service provider and make it happen for you. Just point your finger at what you want, and we will make it happen.
eBay Primer and Expert Online Selling
As an accomplished eBay seller, I can show you tips and techniques to add this channel to your sales outlets. By setting up a store and selling your overstock and old merchandise, you regain dollars you otherwise might have lost to reinvest in your business and new merchandise. Have old equipment you need to replace? Don't junk the old equipment, sell it! This can be handled by only one staff member that follows up to complete orders and fulfillment. We will help you create eBay and Amazon listings, and appropriate new avenues, and incorporate the easy-to-use PayPal system to process payments. We teach you all you need to know to take advantage of this opportunity. If you need to learn how to use PayPal to enhance your power to sell either online or at your business, we can show you how to set up shopping carts, on-site use, and instant processing of payments at reasonable pricing.
Building Programs with Organizations
There are many great organizations out there, and they serve a very important function in society. If you are an organization or trade association head that wants to host a seminar or training session, or wish to see if Team Building Exercises will help you accomplish your goals, let's discuss the benefits for your association or the clients you serve. We can set up an event you can invite members or potential members to, and guide them through creating a bright future with motivation and management training. This will help build your credibility and reason for membership. This does not even have to be for businesses. We can help you set up a training center and reach out to the public, and even find funding for you. We can also help you find a qualified grant writing to help in your funding efforts. If you want your staff trained in management or other functions, we will be happy to set that up and work with you on pricing and terms.
Mystery Shopping & Visit Assessments
As an accomplished mystery shopper and author of a training book on the process, I can tell you that this is a very effective way to assess your business performance, and an important process. Just about everyone has heard of Mystery Shopping, and it may be suggested as a way to start your business assessment to determine what the client experience is. Often times, customer service is lacking and can negatively impact businesses and reputations. A covert business assessment is a great way to find who may need retraining, what shortfalls are experienced in the process, how equipment contributes to problems or success, and what is being done when you are not present. This may actually be very important, as you never know if they are even paying attention to their job. When I encounter an employee on a personal call while serving me, I ask them to hang up the phone and give me their attention. I have been argued with, given dirty looks, and even ignored.
Multimedia Presentation and Documents
Powerpoint presentations can be boring and dry, or exciting and compelling. How are yours? If they are not engaging the audience, they are useless. You cannot expect viewers to learn something if you are boring them. Mix it up with videos, interesting pictures, exciting scripting, and valid points they can relate to. Create supporting documents and forms that will also engage them, get them interested, and are useful after your presentation to continue the learning experience. They need something they can refer back to when they need a refresher or forgot a point. There are many interesting videos online, and it is so easy to incorporate them into your presentations. These techniques can be used to engage sponsors, advertisers, members, and interested parties. Anyone that needs to pursuade someone else to do something or invest in something needs to do it in an interesting and engaging way to achieve success.
Reputation Management
With so many reviews out there for businesses, you need to manage feedback. We have access to automated processes to review and clean up your reputation. One negative review can negate several good reviews. In the real world, most people will not provide feedback unless they had a negative experience. In fact, you need to work hard to recruit positive reviews. Set up a kiosk for people to stop and share their experience. When someone says they are happy and satisfied, ask them if they will step over to the kiosk and take a moment to leave positive feedback. This is a great way to assure scales tip in your favor. Many sites take the feed from sites like Yahoo and Yelp and incorporate it into their site, so if you have many reviews, it makes it look like your reputation is all over. Facebook is another area that can be problematic or helpful. People will give positive or negative feedback, and it goes around. Word of mouth can make or break a business.
Website Creation and Online Presence
Your website should be informative, interesting, creative, and attractive. Some websites are awkward and difficult to navigate. In fact, if you compare sites for business consultants in San Luis Obispo, you will find a wide variety of functional and failing sites. Some of these sites claim their owner can manage your online presence. I will leave it up to you to decide if the business consultant you choose should be able to keep their own image interesting. Your online presence should include Facebook, Twitter, and your site, all working together to create a unified presence. While I do not create custom websites, I can help you get your site created, and running smoothly. We can also create your Facebook page, and set up your Twitter account. If you need your presence managed, we also have that covered. Some local sites have not been maintained in quite some time. Don't be one of those companies that set it and forget it. Set it and optimize your business.
Logo Creation, Graphics, Form Creation
Logos should be simple, say something about your business, and be easy to duplicate and print. Some logos look great in color online, but do not print well. When I created the logo for Central Coast Singles (you can see it in our News & Views archives), I made sure it was easily printed in black and white with graduated shades and outlines. It clearly states the name of the group, emphasizes it with a swooping C, in the shape of a wave indicating the Central Coast. It met with rave reviews and served its purpose well. Remember that your logo needs to be scaleable, in vector format, for printing on various types of materials and sized formats. It should look just as good on a coffee mug or stationery as it does on a billboard or tee. Forms should also be easy to use, and serve a purpose. When selling on eBay I created a form that allowed for tracking of items from beginning to shipping and feedback. We will help you develop what you need.

General Safety Practices
We already noted that we are not certified for Safety Training and OSHA standards, but do partner with Safety Experts and present information in a helpful manner. We demonstrate proper use of MSDS sheets, proper lifting, the importance of preparing physically and memtally for laborious tasks, and when to report violations by other employees due to the factors that might affect their own safety. We will cover the insustry prescribed techniques for things as simple but important as climbing and storage of ladders, knowing where extinguishers and exits are, proper ventilation for the project they are working on, proper use of chemicals and what to do if they are accidentally used improperly, and other safety factors. We can bring in OSHA experts to demonstrate safety practices that comply with regulation, and show results of workplace accidents and injuries so they will realize the importance of safety.

Franchises, Start-ups, and Turnkey Businesses
Franchises are an area that require planning and consideration. It also requires legal and accounting professionals we can provide. If you are selling franchise opportunities, you need to plan carefully to assure compliance with requirements, a fair value so you are able to make a good profit, and that the terms are legal and enforceable in all locations. You know that your own jurisdiction may not be honored by the courts of the franchisee's jurisdiction. If you are buying into a franchise, you need to consider costs, restrictions, and whether you can duplicate the product or business without buying into a franchise and without violating copyright or trademark laws. Instead of opening a Wendy's, could you have more success by opening a burger business that has tasty boutique burgers that you create and will be greeted by rave reviews, or do you need the massive advertising and brand recognition of Wendy's? What is the trade-off?
Branding and Going Global
Branding is about creating a consistent look and presence in every place you appear. This is more than just a logo. This includes colors, patterns, fonts, and design or layout. Branding can go a long way in recognition and growth of your product or service. You will use this in every piece of promotional material, television, online, and apparel while paying attention to trends to keep it stylish and desireable. This is the first step in growth and focusing on global expansion. Online sales can help you learn about global shipping and sales to go global so we recommend online promotion and sales early in the process. A local brand is expanding and has effectively used branding in all of their promotion. The Firestone Walker 805 beer will be found in markets around the state soon, partly because of product quality, partly because of branding, and partly because of proper planning and distribution. Let's make it happen for your business as well.

Fundraising and Crowdfunding
Fundraising is so important to projects and non-profits. Without effective fundraising, your organization will go nowhere. One way to assure successful efforts could be to present your brand for recognition and sharing your importance to the community. People may know what the PTA is, but do they know how they support classrooms with supplies and materials when the school district fails to give what the teacher needs? Unless you let the public know your benefits, they cannot know that they need to support you. We help you get exposure and create your brand importance so you can get your fundraising efforts to pay off. We also show you how to get money with sponsorships, grants, and the latest trend of crowdfunding. Many people do not know the pitfalls of crowdfunding and online support. We help you determine whether there are landmines in your path and how to navigate through the whole process.